WhatsThePoint? blog.

"For What Awaits Us" | A Playing Arts Project

A few years ago I applied to a website or, better said, a project which looked absolutely amazing and had some really amazing artists of different styles and backgrounds behind it. I didn’t get a response, deservedly, I was not yet competent enough, technically speaking, to be a part of such a collective.

A few weeks ago, that changed.

The project is Playing Arts, a collective art project where designers and illustrators from all over the world express their vision of an ordinary playing card using personal styles, techniques and imagination, to quote them directly.

They approached me with a project in mind, entitled Future, where we communicated the vision we had of what the future might bring for us all. This combined quite perfectly with a thought that’s been bugging me for quite some time and I hadn’t put to paper yet.


I have a nagging suspicion that if we ever manage to save the environment, it will be due to economic necessity rather than moral obligation. We will need the environment so the economy continues to prosper, the fact nature gives us life will fall secondary to "growth". It's like doing charity for the sake of publicity; you are doing a good thing, the right thing, but it's coming from the wrong place and lacks any genuineness. Somehow, to me, this feels more evil than open arrogance or carelessness. But maybe that's just me.

This idea married to this concept quite well, I thought and the final result I am very happy with.


I would like to thank Playing Arts for the opportunity provided! It’s been an honour and a thrill.